

Absolute value #

This file defines a notational class Abs which adds the unary operator abs and the notation |.|. The concept of an absolute value occurs in lattice ordered groups and in GL and GM spaces.

Mathematical structures possessing an absolute value often also possess a unique decomposition of elements into "positive" and "negative" parts which are in some sense "disjoint" (e.g. the Jordan decomposition of a measure). This file also defines PosPart and NegPart classes which add unary operators pos and neg, representing the maps taking an element to its positive and negative part respectively along with the notation and .

Notations #

The following notation is introduced:

Tags #


class Abs (α : Type u_1) :
Type u_1

Absolute value is a unary operator with properties similar to the absolute value of a real number.

  • abs : αα

    The absolute value function.

    class PosPart (α : Type u_1) :
    Type u_1

    The positive part of an element admitting a decomposition into positive and negative parts.

    • pos : αα

      The positive part function.

      class NegPart (α : Type u_1) :
      Type u_1

      The negative part of an element admitting a decomposition into positive and negative parts.

      • neg : αα

        The negative part function.


        The absolute value function.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          Unexpander for the notation |a| for abs a. Tries to add discretionary parentheses in unparseable cases.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            The positive part function.

            Instances For

              The negative part function.

              Instances For