Lie algebras of associative algebras #
This file defines the Lie algebra structure that arises on an associative algebra via the ring commutator.
Since the linear endomorphisms of a Lie algebra form an associative algebra, one can define the adjoint action as a morphism of Lie algebras from a Lie algebra to its linear endomorphisms. We make such a definition in this file.
Main definitions #
Tags #
lie algebra, ring commutator, adjoint action
The bracket operation for rings is the ring commutator, which captures the extent to which a ring is commutative. It is identically zero exactly when the ring is commutative.
An associative ring gives rise to a Lie ring by taking the bracket to be the ring commutator.
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We can regard a module over an associative ring A
as a Lie ring module over A
with Lie
bracket equal to its ring commutator.
Note that this cannot be a global instance because it would create a diamond when M = A
specifically we can build two mathematically-different bracket A A
@Ring.bracket A _
which says⁅a, b⁆ = a * b - b * a
(@LieRingModule.ofAssociativeModule A _ A _ _).toBracket
which says⁅a, b⁆ = a • b
(and thus⁅a, b⁆ = a * b
See note [reducible non-instances]
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Instances For
An associative algebra gives rise to a Lie algebra by taking the bracket to be the ring commutator.
A representation of an associative algebra A
is also a representation of A
, regarded as a
Lie algebra via the ring commutator.
See the comment at LieRingModule.ofAssociativeModule
for why the possibility M = A
this cannot be a global instance.
- Module.End.lieRingModule = LieRingModule.ofAssociativeModule
- (_ : LieModule R (Module.End R M) M) = (_ : LieModule R (Module.End R M) M)
The map ofAssociativeAlgebra
associating a Lie algebra to an associative algebra is
- AlgHom.toLieHom f = let src := AlgHom.toLinearMap f; { toLinearMap := src, map_lie' := (_ : ∀ {x x_1 : A}, (AlgHom.toLinearMap f) (x * x_1 - x_1 * x) = f x * f x_1 - f x_1 * f x) }
Instances For
- AlgHom.instCoeAlgHomToCommSemiringToSemiringToSemiringLieHomOfAssociativeRingOfAssociativeAlgebraOfAssociativeRingOfAssociativeAlgebra = { coe := AlgHom.toLieHom }
A Lie module yields a Lie algebra morphism into the linear endomorphisms of the module.
See also LieModule.toModuleHom
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Instances For
The adjoint action of a Lie algebra on itself.
- R L = LieModule.toEndomorphism R L L
Instances For
A subalgebra of an associative algebra is a Lie subalgebra of the associated Lie algebra.
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Instances For
A linear equivalence of two modules induces a Lie algebra equivalence of their endomorphisms.
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Instances For
An equivalence of associative algebras is an equivalence of associated Lie algebras.
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