

The equivalence between Monad C and Mon_ (C ⥤ C). #

A monad "is just" a monoid in the category of endofunctors.

Definitions/Theorems #

  1. toMon associates a monoid object in C ⥤ C to any monad on C.
  2. monadToMon is the functorial version of toMon.
  3. ofMon associates a monad on C to any monoid object in C ⥤ C.
  4. monadMonEquiv is the equivalence between Monad C and Mon_ (C ⥤ C).

To every Monad C we associated a monoid object in C ⥤ C.

Instances For
    theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.monadToMon_map_hom (C : Type u) [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] :
    ∀ {X Y : CategoryTheory.Monad C} (f : X Y), ((CategoryTheory.Monad.monadToMon C) f).hom = f.toNatTrans

    Passing from Monad C to Mon_ (C ⥤ C) is functorial.

    Instances For

      To every monoid object in C ⥤ C we associate a Monad C.

      Instances For
        theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.ofMon_obj {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] (M : Mon_ (CategoryTheory.Functor C C)) (X : C) :
        (CategoryTheory.Monad.ofMon M).toFunctor.toPrefunctor.obj X = M.X.toPrefunctor.obj X

        Passing from Mon_ (C ⥤ C) to Monad C is functorial.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          Oh, monads are just monoids in the category of endofunctors (equivalence of categories).

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For