

Quotients of First-Order Structures #

This file defines prestructures and quotients of first-order structures.

Main Definitions #

class FirstOrder.Language.Prestructure (L : FirstOrder.Language) {M : Type u_1} (s : Setoid M) :
Type (max (max u_1 u_2) u_3)

A prestructure is a first-order structure with a Setoid equivalence relation on it, such that quotienting by that equivalence relation is still a structure.

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    theorem FirstOrder.Language.funMap_quotient_mk' {L : FirstOrder.Language} {M : Type u_1} (s : Setoid M) [ps : FirstOrder.Language.Prestructure L s] {n : } (f : L.Functions n) (x : Fin nM) :
    theorem FirstOrder.Language.relMap_quotient_mk' {L : FirstOrder.Language} {M : Type u_1} (s : Setoid M) [ps : FirstOrder.Language.Prestructure L s] {n : } (r : L.Relations n) (x : Fin nM) :