(P : Nat → Sort u_1)
{n : Nat}
(f : (i : Fin n) → P i.val → P (i.val + 1))
(i : Nat)
(ubnd : i ≤ n)
(a : P i)
P n
hIterateFrom f i bnd a
applies f
over indices [i:n]
to compute P n
from P i
See hIterate
below for more details.
- Fin.hIterateFrom P f i ubnd a = if g : i < n then Fin.hIterateFrom P f (i + 1) g (f { val := i, isLt := g } a) else let_fun p := (_ : i = n); cast (_ : P i = P n) a
Instances For
(P : Nat → Sort u_1)
{n : Nat}
(init : P 0)
(f : (i : Fin n) → P i.val → P (i.val + 1))
P n
is a heterogenous iterative operation that applies a
index-dependent function f
to a value init : P start
a total of
stop - start
times to produce a value of type P stop
Concretely, hIterate start stop f init
is equal to
init |> f start _ |> f (start+1) _ ... |> f (end-1) _
Because it is heterogenous and must return a value of type P stop
requires proof that start ≤ stop
One can prove properties of hIterate
using the general theorem
or other more specialized theorems.
- Fin.hIterate P init f = Fin.hIterateFrom P f 0 (_ : 0 ≤ n) init