Projective objects in abelian categories #
In an abelian category, an object P
is projective iff the functor
preadditiveCoyonedaObj (op P)
preserves finite colimits.
noncomputable def
{C : Type u}
[CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C]
[CategoryTheory.Abelian C]
(P : C)
[hP : CategoryTheory.Projective P]
The preadditive Co-Yoneda functor on P
preserves finite colimits if P
is projective.
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Instances For
{C : Type u}
[CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C]
[CategoryTheory.Abelian C]
(P : C)
[hP : CategoryTheory.Limits.PreservesFiniteColimits (CategoryTheory.preadditiveCoyonedaObj (Opposite.op P))]
An object is projective if its preadditive Co-Yoneda functor preserves finite colimits.